MEETING DATE: December 11, 2024
TIME: Meeting was called to order at 6:06 pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, Interim President; Cookie Barber,
HOMEOWNERS PRESENT: Deborah Bush, Vanessa Bush, Pat Parrish, Beverly Carter, Sylvia Williams, Irvin White, Tim Sheppard, Robert Bullock, Angela Bullock, Vernon Pope (See attached sign in sheet for full list)
The meeting was called to order at 6:06 pm by Interim President, Jan Parrish. The meeting agenda was distributed to homeowners along with copies of the September meeting minutes; the November Treasurer Report and the proposed Annual Budget for 2025.
The minutes from the November 14, 2024, HOA meeting was read by Cookie Barber. There were no questions or corrections noted to the minutes as presented. Homeowner, Debra Bush responded to a call for from interim president, Jan Parrish for a motion on the minutes to accept the November minutes as presented with no
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corrections. The motion was seconded Robert Bullock. Having been accepted and properly seconded, the November 14th minutes were accepted into the record. Interim president reminded homeowners that they received a copy of the September 19th minutes included with the meeting agenda. The September 19th minutes were read at the meeting but were not accepted into the record because printed copies were not available for distribution to homeowners at the meeting. Having reviewed the September 19th minutes, a call for a motion to accept the minutes was made by interim president. A motion to accept the minutes with no corrections noted was made by homeowner, Robert Bullock and was seconded by Deborah Bush. On the motion, the September 19, 2024, minutes were accepted into the record.
The treasurer report for the period of November 1 through November 30, 2024, was presented by Cookie Barber. There were no corrections noted to the report. A call was made for a motion to accept the report as presented. A motion was made by homeowner, Deborah Bush, to accept the treasurer report with no corrections. The motion was seconded by homeowner, Robert Bullock. On the motion, the November treasurer report was accepted into the record. The proposed annual budget for 2025 was presented to homeowners by Cookie Barber. No motion to accept the budget was made as the newly elected Board will review the proposed budget and make any adjustments necessary. Homeowners will have an opportunity to review the final budget at the January meeting.
Cookie Barber provided an update on the collection of dues and the annual dues notices that were mailed out to homeowners in November with reminders of the January 1st due date.
Block Captain, Sylvia Williams, presented the Community Crime Report from the Chesterfield County Police. There were no questions regarding the information presented. A homeowner inquired regarding the status of efforts to collect homeowner contact information to create a directory. Sylvia Williams responded that she had not contacted very many homeowners as it has been difficult to connect with some of the homeowners in her block. She indicated that knocking on doors may be the most efficient way to connect with homeowners, but this is a time-consuming process, and many homeowners do not respond to door knocking.
Tyrone Leake provided an update on the status of the installation of Christmas lights at the subdivision entrances. The company that initially agreed to install the lights did not follow through. Several homeowners present offered to assist Tyrone Leake in
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installing lights and will follow up with him. Tyrone Leake reported that there were no other projects underway.
Homeowners received a letter detailing the voting process, timeline and options for voting which included both mail-in and in-person voting. Mail-in ballots were included in the letter. The election process for candidates for positions on the Board of Directors will conclude at 7pm this evening. Nominated Candidates included the following: President- Irvin White; Vice President-Tim Shepard; Secretary-Christina Sullivan; Treasurer -Cookie Barber. Homeowners were given the opportunity to mail in their ballot or to vote in-person this evening starting at 5pm and concluding at 7pm.
At 7pm, voting concluded and the chairperson for the nominating committee, Robert Bullock, was asked to present the results of the votes received. Eighteen (18) ballots were received. The following results were presented:
Candidate | Position | Number of Votes Received |
Irvin White | President | 18 |
Tim Sheppard | Vice President | 12 |
Cookie Barber | Treasurer | 18 |
Christina Sullivan | Secretary | 17 |
Based on the voting results, the newly elected Board of Directors: Irvin White, (President); Tim Sheppard, (Vice President); Cookie Barber, (Treasurer); and Christina Sullivan, (Secretary), have been duly elected and will assume their positions on the Board effective January 1, 2025.
A Meet & Greet has been planned for December 18, 2024, 6pm at the Meadowdale Library for homeowners to meet the newly elected Board members. Notification of the planned Meet & Greet was included in the November mailing to homeowners.
Tyrone Leake shared a concern about the impact of the negativity of certain homeowners over the years and how it has been a deterrent to other homeowner’s willingness to serve on the Board or in other appointed positions.
Homeowner, Beverly Carter shared the need to develop a directory to include homeowner emails to be more efficient in communicating with homeowners and suggested that other ways to gather homeowner contact information be explored.
A homeowner expressed a desire to see Christmas lights/decorations installed and pointed out that it was already late to have this project completed.
There being no other comments/concerns, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Reminder -December 18,2024 – Meet & Greet – 6 pm – Meadowdale Library
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 pm.
Next Meeting: Thursday January 9, 2025 – Meadowdale Library – 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Minutes Respectfully submitted by: Interim President, Jan Parrish.
MEETING DATE: January 11,2024
TIME: 6:00 pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, Interim President; Beverly Carter, Interim Vice President, Cookie Barber, Interim Treasurer; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator, Sylvia Williams, Block Captain Coordinator.
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary
HOMEOWNERS PRESENT: Refer to sign in sheet attached.
President Jan Parrish called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Minutes from the November 14, 2023, and December 7, 2023, meetings were read by Cookie Barber. It was moved and properly seconded that the minutes from the November 14, 2023, and the December 7, 2023, meetings be accepted for the record with no suggested corrections.
During the December 7, 2023, meeting it was announced by Jan Parrish, Interim President that the October 2023 nomination for open Board of Director’s positions closed on November 30, 2023, with no nominations having been received. As a result, the Board accepted a motion to extend the nomination period by an additional 30 days. Jan Parrish, Interim President suggested that nominations be extended starting January 15, 2024, through February 16, 2024 (close of the business day). It was further suggested that nominations be accepted from the floor at the February 12, 2024, HOA meeting.
Notification of the extension of the nomination period, nomination form and instructions for nominating a homeowner or to self-nominate were mailed to homeowners in a letter dated January 4, 2024.
Because there have been no nominations received thus far for any of the open Board of Director positions, discussion was held regarding options should no nominations be received at the end of the extended nomination period on February 16, 2024. It was suggested by Jan Parrish that one option may be to explore placing the HOA management under a Management Company. An exploratory committee consisting of: Jan Parrish, Robert Bullock, and Tim Sheppard. formed to gather information and report back at a future meeting.
The treasurer’s report was presented by Cookie Barber. A written copy of the report was distributed to homeowners. Following the review of the report, several questions were asked and responded to. It was moved and properly seconded that the treasurer’s report be accepted to record with no suggested corrections.
Cookie Barber provided an update on the status of homeowner dues collected and noted that 69 homeowners have not yet paid their dues.
Sylvia Williams, Block Captain Coordinator, provided no report.
Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator reported that he had responded to a homeowner regarding a concern about her yard flooding. Tyrone Leake stated that the homeowner suggested that it was the Board’s responsibility to address the flooding in her yard. It was noted that some homeowners have experienced flooding in their yard during heavy rain however, it was clarified that it is not the responsibility of the Board nor the County to take care of this issue. Homeowners must assume the responsibility of addressing such property concerns. Tyrone Leake shared that he and another homeowner had previously dug a trench for a homeowner experiencing a similar problem to allow the water to drain. He offered to assist the homeowner by digging another trench. Tyrone Leake reported that he had no outstanding projects pending at this time and felt that the grounds were well maintained. There was no additional information shared.
There was discussion among homeowners regarding the exploration of placing the HOA under a management company and some of the possible outcomes of this such as an increase in homeowner annual dues. It was noted by Jan Parrish that even if the HOA is managed by a company, there would continue to be a need to maintain a Board of Directors. The management company would be responsible for enforcing the bi-laws, as far as the upkeep of property and grounds and the collection of annual dues. It is not known what the range of cost would be to utilize a management company, however it was generally agreed upon that gathering information and exploring the option was a good idea.
The next scheduled meeting will take place on February 12, 2024, at the Central Library at 6pm.
The meeting was formally adjourned around 7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Parrish, Interim President
MEETING DATE: December 7, 2023
TIME: 6:00 pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, President; Beverly Carter, Vice President, Cookie Barber, Treasurer; J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator, Sylvia Williams, Block Captain Coordinator.
HOMEOWNERS PRESENT: Refer to sign in sheet attached.
President Jan Parrish was delayed in arrival due to a traffic accident. The meeting called to order at 6:15 pm by Vice President, Beverly Carter.
Minutes from the November meeting was not available for review.
Jan Parrish shared that there no nominations for board positions received. She suggested that consideration for extending the nominations period for an additional 30 days be considered.
A homeowner verbalized agreement that we should extend the nomination period.
A homeowner asked if nominations could be done by homeowner’s present during the meeting. Jan Parrish responded stating that nominations need to be made in writing following the process outlined in the letter sent to homeowners. The current nomination period closed on 11/30/23. Jan Parrish reiterated that while the nomination period could be extended; the initial nomination period is closed.
A homeowner suggested waiting until the by-laws are updated before the officer’s change. It was noted, however, that our Articles of Incorporation specify that board members serve for one year. Historically board members have served for years because there were no candidates to fill their positions when the year was up, even though the board member’s intent was to serve for the one term year. Jan Parrish noted that this pattern of continuing to serve beyond the one- year- term can present issues with people volunteering to serve.
A motion was made by a homeowner (Mr. Hill) that we vote on extending the nomination period for an additional 30 days from 12/8/23. Jan Parrish responded stating that the 30-day extension could not start on 12/8/23 because notice to all homeowners would need to be sent out in a mailing. Jan Parrish suggested that the 30-day extension begin from the date that the homeowners receive the written notice. The motion to extend the nomination period out for an additional 30-days from the date specified in the written notice was made (Michael Hill) and properly seconded (Karen Thomas). The Motion carried. Jan Parrish stated that any homeowner seeking a Board position should follow the process outlined in the mailing which will include completing the nomination form and submitting a resume. A question was asked (Tim Shephard) about qualifications. Jan Parrish responded that the board does not determine qualifications. However, a description for each board position will be included in the mailing relative to the nomination process.
Jan Parrish stated that since there were no nominations received the scheduled 12/14/23 meeting will be cancelled as this meeting was scheduled to have the slate of candidates introduce themselves. Therefore, the next meeting will be held on Jan. 11, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Meadowdale Library.
A homeowner (Tim McMahan) asked if there would be a transition period for new board members. Jan Parrish responded yes, there would be. A specific time period was not specified; however, she noted that current board members may assist with the transition of new board members as needed. It was recommended that the length of time board members can serve be changed as one year is a relatively short period of time and does not provide for continuity. Jan shared that this requires a change to the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, 75% of HOA members must agree to accept much a change.
A homeowner (Linda Murphy) mentioned that earlier in the year a request was made to form a committee to work on revamping the bylaws. She questioned what happened that volunteers were not contacted to start the process? Jan Parrish responded that the work to revise the by-laws is still planned to move forward however, there was not sufficient time in this year to begin the work given the limitations of her time. She also stated that none of the current Board members had offered to chair the committee. Another Board member (Sylvia Williams) stated that the Board is in a constant state of conflict with a homeowner and that she has not felt that the Board could effectively move forward with the process. She further stated that it has been a source of discouragement when volunteering her time to work on behalf of the Association only to be met with constant criticism and negativity. A homeowner responded to this stating that the negativity of one homeowner should not prevent us from working toward the goal of what is in the best interest of all homeowners. The same homeowner (Karen Thomas) proposed that the bylaws committee members be allowed to have subcommittees. Revising the by-laws is important work and the Board should move forward in getting a committee established.
Several homeowners volunteered to work on the committee to revise the bylaws. They are Linda Murphy, Tim McMahand, Michael Hill, Karen Thomas, Patricia Parrish, LaVerne Taylor, Angela Bullock, Tim Shephard, J’Ainel Hargrove, Tana Jones (not present – name added by J’Ainel Hargrove.)
A motion was made by a homeowner (Mr. Michael Hill) that the bylaws committee meet upon the 2024 board being confirmed. The Motion was seconded by (Linda Haskins). The motion was carried.
Cookie Barber, Treasurer, presented a written summary report of expenditures, funds received, payments made and ending balance. A written copy of the summarized report was provided to homeowners. Having reviewed the treasurer report and responded to one homeowner’s question regarding the report, it was moved and properly seconded that the report be accepted into record as presented. The Motion carried.
Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator, reported that he anticipates that Grass Roots Lawn Care service fees will increase by 2-3% for next year. Tyrone Leake noted that the company has not increased its cost for services in several years. No written notice of an increase has been received yet.
There has been an increase in the county water bill. The most recent bill received was over $500. Tyrone Leake stated that he was surprised by the increase and reached out to the County to verify that the bill was accurate. This type of increase is usually linked to a leak or other type of problem with the sprinkler system however, there have been no recent issues with the system that he is aware of therefore, he believes the increase may be related to an increase in water usage to maintain the flowers. In response to the increase in the bill, a homeowner suggested using an electronic rain gauge to prevent watering when it is raining. Tyrone Leake stated in response that there is a rain gauge installed and that he believes that it is working properly however, he will check it to verify that it is working properly and will that and will initiate a replacement if it is determined to be necessary.
Tyrone Leake has received inquiries regarding a car that was sitting in the retention pond near the front entrance. He shared that the car belonged to a homeowner who was experiencing a problem with his car. Two homeowners backed out into the street and two people were trying to assist him in removing the car from the street using a chain to pull the car. The chain broke causing the car to roll and it ended up in the retention pond. The car was eventually removed from the pond.
Tyrone Leake has also received inquiries from several homeowners regarding the need for street repairs on their street as well as the need for a repair of a sink on an unspecified street. Tyrone Leake noted that street repairs fall under the responsibility of VDOT. A homeowner shared that he saw VDOT in the neighborhood and guided them to the sink hole. It was not clear from what action, if any, that VDOT took.
A homeowner asked about policy regarding parking on the street. The homeowner expressed the belief that street parking in specific areas has contributed to mailboxes being knocked down. One area identified as a concern is the street (not specifically named) where you make the right turn onto Ironhorse Rd. Another homeowner stated that a similar situation exists on Barnwood (not clear if this location is Barnwood Drive or Terrace). Tyrone Leake asked Sylvia Williams, Block Captain Coordinator, to write up notices for these situations. Board member, Cookie Barber, suggested creating a blanket notice to be provided to all homeowners who reside on the streets where these parking issues are occurring, to ensure that everyone is alerted to the concern. A homeowner expressed the need to be compassionate, recognizing that some families have multiple vehicles. The homeowner recommended that communication ask homeowners not to park opposite a neighbor’s driveway.
It was shared by a homeowner that the Board nor homeowners can restrict parking on the street. The homeowner reiterated that the roads belong to VDOT and the County therefore, we do not have the authority to impose restrictions on parking. Any homeowner who has an issue with a neighbor blocking his/her driveway, should call the police. It was suggested that the Board put something on the website encouraging people to be courteous and not block their neighbors’ driveways.
Jan Parrish stated that she would like to see more Christmas decorations for our subdivisions. Several homeowners agreed but it was noted that it is late and difficult to find a company to do it at this time. Jan Parrish will follow up with Tyrone Leake regarding the lights we have used upfront in prior years being put up.
Sylvia Williams, Block Captain Coordinator, stated that due to the lateness of the hour, she would post her report on the website.
Homeowner comments and concerns detailed in the above summary of the minutes and are not reiterated in this section. A homeowner (Michael Hill) shared concerns about issues with the Jessup Meadows building project. Multiple people chimed in on what they had seen, heard, etc. Many of the concerns discussed are related or specific to concerns noted in the summary report.
The HOA meeting scheduled for December 14, 2023, is cancelled because there were no nominations for Board positions therefore no candidates to present which was the purpose of the meeting.
The next scheduled meeting will take place on January 11, 2024, at Meadowdale Library at 6pm.
The meeting was formally adjourned around 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Parrish, President
MEETING DATE: November 14, 2023
TIME: 6:00 pm
LOCATION: Chesterfield Central Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, Beverly Carter, Cookie Barber, Sylvia Williams, Tyrone Leake
Deborah Bush, Vanessa Bush, Tim Sheppard, Robert Bullock, Angela Bullock, Michael Hill, Janice Horton, Shana Watts, Larry Walker, Yvette Walker
The meeting was called to order at 6:07pm by President Jan Parrish.
Minutes from the last meeting were not read. The HOA Secretary was unable to attend due to a family emergency.
Homeowners received a letter regarding nominations for Board of Director positions and schedule for voting.
Christmas decorations
- President Jan Parrish mentioned that new holiday decorations are needed. She shared that she would like to see lights on the walls, trees strung with lights, new wreaths for the walls – front and back. We would also need a company to install them.
- It was suggested by Shana Jones that we check with Red Door Lighting for putting up Christmas decorations.
- It was also mentioned that we could check with the decorator of Towne Bank on Iron Bridge Road.
- Cookie indicated she will check with the company who does decorations for the Braxtons.
- The concern was expressed that it may be too late to find a company that do Christmas decorating for us, but we will still reach out to ask.
Board Elections
- President Jan Parrish shared that all board positions are up for election. Letters relative to the nomination process have already been mailed to homeowners. Mike Hill and Robert Bullock have agreed to chair the nomination committee.
- All nominations must be postmarked by Nov. 30.
- It was noted that all appointed positions will end when the tenure of the current board position incumbents end.
- Jan Parrish shared that she will not be running for the position of President again.
- In our upcoming 12/7/23 HOA meeting, homeowners interested in running for board positions will introduce themselves, present their resume and share related experience. Voting will take place on 12/14/23. Elected officers will be installed on 1/11/24.
- President Jan Parrish encouraged homeowners to speak with neighbors and encourage them to consider serving on our board.
- There were questions from homeowner re: proxy nominations and the deadline for nominations which the president responded to.
- President Jan Parrish shared that she had spoken to Jim Holland on 11/2/23 re: concerns related to Jessup Meadows. Information shared included safety concerns and efforts to get Parks and Recreation to post signs restricting AV use on the trail as well as erecting a fence or barrier to prevent people from entering homeowner properties. Mr. Holland indicated that he was aware that there had been concerns and that he would follow up with the director of Parks and recreation. He further stated that he believed that there was a plan already in place to address these concerns. Follow up letter was sent to Mr. Holland following the conversation.
- The homeowner shared that he had spoken with Tim McMahan, and that the homeowner indicated that signs have been posted and entrances to the walking trail have been blocked as of 10/30/23 to prevent traffic. Since these measures have been taken, homeowner stated that Mr. McMahan reported that the traffic and noise has been eliminated.
- President Jan Parrish shared that when she spoke to Mr. Holland on 11/2/23, he did not indicate that any of that had been done and likely the work was done after the conversation.
- President Jan Parrish recommends that homeowners reach out to Mr. Holland to keep the pressure on and to help ensure needed actions are taken to include constructing a wall.
- Mr. Michael Hill suggested we put notes on the website requesting residents to contact the county to raise the concerns and allow the responsibility for follow-up to be on residents rather than just the board.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was presented by Cookie Barber. A written copy of the report was distributed to homeowners in attendance. Following the review of the report. It was moved and properly second that the treasurer’s report be accepted with no noted corrections.
Architecture Control Report
Tyrone Leake reported that the fences have been cleaned and that the contracted service provider did a good job in removing the stains.
Water bill from County continues to be high. Tyrone Leake will follow up to determine if there is a Leake that may be causing the increase usage.
Block Captain Coordinator Report
- Block Captain Coordinator, Sylvia Williams shared information received concerning calls to Chesterfield Police Department related to our community.
Homeowner Comments/Concerns
Homeowner, Mike Hill suggested that Board use website post to encourage homeowners to reach out to the County representatives and Parks and Recreation to continue to voice their concerns and to request construction of a wall to protect the property of the homeowners that back up to Jessup Meadows.
Homeowner questioned clarification on the term limit for Board members to serve in their position.
Homeowner questioned whether voting by proxy would be permitted as it has in the past.
All questions posed were responded to by Board members.
Notice of next scheduled meetings provided
12/7/23 – Meadowdale Library @ 6pm
12/14/23 – Meadowdale Library @ 6pm
1/11/24 – Meadowdale Library @ 6pm
The meeting was formally adjourned at 7:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Parrish on behalf of J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary
MEETING DATE: July 12, 2023
TIME: Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, President; Cookie Barber, Treasurer
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Beverly Carter, Vice President; J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator
HOMEOWNERS RPESENT: Deborah Bush, Vanessa Bush, Stephanie Wright, Robert Bullock, Angela Bullock, Patricia Parrish, Linda Murphy, George Boykins and Timothy Shephard
The meeting was called to order at 6:07pm by our President Jan Parrish. The meeting agenda was distributed along with the Treasurer’s Report.
No Minutes were read from the last meeting.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Cookie Barber. A written copy of the report was distributed to homeowners. Following the report, several questions were asked and responded to. It was moved for acceptance by Jan Parrish, President and properly seconded by Robert Bullock, Homeowner that the Treasure’s Report be accepted and recorded without any corrections.
No Block Captain report given.
In Tyrone Leake’s absence, the following information was relayed:
- Flowers in the bed at the Ironbridge Road entrance were stolen; all but two. A Police report was filed.
- Suggested that homeowners be vigilant to what’s happening in our neighborhood.
- The Vendor that installed the flowers reached out to Tyrone Leake to say they would replace the flowers at a no cost but may charge the HOA for labor.
- Mr. Leake is working to have slate rock replaced at the front entrance (Ironbridge Road) and work will start soon.
- He is working to get a Message Board to match the ones at the other entrances. Space is really tight as to where it will be placed.
- We still need to have the 2nd wall built to match the other side at Windrush Court; and to match the continuity of the other two entrances. Funds were budgeted several years ago; we do need to check to be sure the cost has remained the same.
- He will keep us updated as the projects proceed on.
There have been complaints from many homeowners about parking on both sides of the street on Ironstone Drive.
- President Jan Parrish has had the police come out and look but we have received no official response. The streets in the HOA are maintained by VDOT but, the Chesterfield County needs to approve changes.
- When some homeowners entertain guests, other homeowners are restricted from accessing their property due to the parking situation.
- Vehicles have been parked at various homes without proper decals.
- The police came out and tagged vehicles without the proper decals.
- President Jan Parrish said that there are two group homes in the neighborhood.
- We did have an adult group home at one time and had to get Social Services involved due to concerns regarding a resident of the facility.
- We understand that the current group home is for teenagers.
- A homeowner stated that federal law says that they can be in the neighborhood as a family.
- President Jan Parrish said group homes have to be licensed by the State of Virginia or they are not allowed.
- The previous adult group home was allowed.
- A homeowner sent a picture but not the address of teenagers hanging out playing loud music and possible disruption.
- A homeowner asked how can a homeowner use the website to add information? President Jan Parrish said there is not a vehicle for a homeowner to add information to the website themselves.
A homeowner said that at the last meeting it was stated that citations/violations were put on hold. President Jan Parrish said they have not stopped, citations continue to be issued.
A homeowner said the Covenants stated there are to be no tents in the neighborhood at any time. What is the process for obtaining permission to have a tent placed in a homeowner’s yard? A homeowner has a tent size party 10 year in a row. What do we do to stop people from having tent size parties in the neighorhood?
A homeowner would contact the Architecture committee to get approval for use of temporary tent, so the HOA has knowledge. Homeowners would have temporary tents for various celebrations.
There is a concern about homeowners not following the law when they are confronted with a vehicle or any obstruction blocking their path to proceed down a street. The vehicle that is being blocked should wait for any oncoming traffic to proceed ahead before moving into the lane to go around.
There was a homeowner concerned about pulling out into the middle of Ironbridge Road to travel east and blocking the view of other vehicles already in the middle.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) did another study, but we have not received the results. President Jan Parrish was told that if VDOT cannot get a light, there are other options, but they were not discussed. The HOA will attempt to invite VDOT to a Saturday meeting.
A homeowner said he helped to get the strips at the exit of Country Manor Lane and Ironbridge Road. There is no two rights and no two lefts when exiting the neighborhood. The homeowner stated no one is supposed to sit in the middle between the lanes on Ironbridge Road to go east, west, into or out of our neighborhood. There is no signage to say you cannot. We will reach out to VDOT for clarity.
We are told that because we are across from the Fire Station, we cannot have a traffic light to direct traffic leaving our neighborhood. Other neighborhoods in the County are across from fire stations and they have a light. The names of those neighborhoods were not given. President Jan Parrish will follow up with VDOT to determine what alternative options might exist.
There are parties and guest parking on both sides of the street on some street in the neighborhood; sometimes 12 hours or more. There is room in the driveways, but it is not being used. President Jan Parrish said the HOA was not in a position to say how long a vehicle could be parked but suggested the homeowner call the police if they thought it necessary.
President Jan Parrish said there was an incident where EMS was blocked from traveling down Ironstone Drive. The police were called; they went to the homeowner’s house and had them have the guests move their vehicles. Because there is no sign, you cannot call a tow truck.
There was further discussion about parking on Ironstone Drive.
A homeowner made the Board and homeowners in attendance aware that someone is advertising to power wash homes with signage on Ironstone Drive and Cogbill Road. The sign has been up for about a month. The Board has not given any power washing vendor permission to put up a sign up.
A contractor may put up a sign while they are doing work for a homeowner, but signage is not allowed after the work is completed.
A homeowner stated that per the Bylaws, we are supposed to give 10 days’ notice and this meeting is in violation of the Bylaws.
A homeowner suggested we change the message board at the end of each HOA meeting to provide the correct amount of notification given to be in compliance with the Bylaws. A homeowner volunteered to change the message board. President Jan Parrish acknowledged the homeowner’s offer.
The meeting dates are also on the website and noted in the minutes. We are at the discretion of the Meadowdale library and its schedule.
It was suggested that it be a shared responsibility to change the message boards.
A homeowner asked if we were participating in the National Night Out celebration. We are not because we lost our meeting space in the neighborhood when the property was sold. There was a thought to use the field to the left once you enter the neighborhood from Ironbridge Road, but it is wetlands. It was suggested that we look at the Ruritan again so we can make some decisions to do things that are community based. We used the Ruritan for Christmas and other functions in the past.
National Night Out is a national program. It is an annual community-building activity that is held on the 1st Tuesday in August. The police and some elected officials have attended ours in the past.
A homeowner questioned why we are having the rocks done at the entrance of Country Manor Lane and Ironbridge Road. President Jan Parrish said this project was already budgeted. A homeowner commented that we check the minutes.
These funds were carried over from the previous year. A homeowner asked what is the amount of money to be considered a capital expenditure. A homeowner commented that $10, 000 was the amount to be used at a bank as a capital expenditure. A homeowner asked if there was Bylaws language to state that homeowners could vote on expenditures. The Board allotted money for the construction of a wall on Windrush Court and Cogbill Road per previous discussion involving homeowners in attendance at those meetings. There were other homeowner discussions where a homeowner said 80% of all homeowners needed to vote and not just the Board.
President Jan Parrish said we can’t carry money over from one year to the next without it being allocated for a specific approved project.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 pm.
Minutes taken in Secretary’s absence by Treasurer, Cookie Barber
MEETING DATE: May 12, 2023
TIME: 6:30 pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, President; Beverly Carter, Vice President, Cookie Barber, Treasurer; J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator.
HOMEOWNERS PRESENT: Refer to sign in sheet.
Meeting called to order at 6:09 pm by our President Jan Parrish. The meeting agenda was distributed with a list of resources attached that could be used for those wishing to dispose of things after the upcoming yard sale.
Minutes from the April HOA meeting was read by J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary. The reading of the minutes was completed by Cookie Barber, Treasurer. Pres. Jan requested that the secretary include board members’ first and last name when referencing them in the minutes. Acceptance of the minutes were deferred for correction.
Jan Parrish noted that there has been no update from VDOT since the recent traffic study. Efforts to reach Mr. Payne have not been responded to. Jan Parrish indicated that she would continue to follow up and provide a report once an update has been provided.
President Jan Parrish gave update relative to the recent court hearing. Shared the homeowner’s allegations with all present. The homeowner requested $5800 compensation. Judge indicated homeowner had no grounds to receive such compensation.
The judge took no actions relative to the resident’s allegations except for 3 items:
- Check to Tyrone Leake of $75 for putting up Xmas decorations (per the judge, board members are volunteers and cannot be paid)
- Benevolence – the judge says we cannot provide benevolence to homeowners from Association funds. If the homeowners desire to provide benevolence, there would need to be contributions collected directly from the homeowners to create a separate fund for this purpose as needed however, the funds cannot come out of the Association’s treasury.
- The judge ruled that the Board cannot give themselves Xmas gifts. Even though HOA attorney advised that the Board could receive a gift as could; the judge said we cannot. Any Board member who received a Xmas gift will need to reimburse the HOA. Letters will go out from the attorney and the attorney will collect those reimbursements.
Pres. Jan Parrish shared the following:
Windrush does not have a message board to post meeting notifications. The Board will need to look at the budget and figure out how to get a message board installed so homeowners in that section will be notified of upcoming meetings as homeowners in all other sections.
Homeowner, (5401 Carriage Way) said he was written up for a rusty mailbox, but he drives by rusty pipes. He was also upset about a particular street sign that looks bad. Tyrone Leakes agreed that we need to get the street sign repaired.
LaVerne Taylor volunteered to be on the bylaws committee. Homeowner (5401 Carriage Way) and George also requested to be on the bylaws committee.
The treasurer’s report was presented by Cookie Barber. A written copy of the report was distributed to homeowners. Following the review of the report, several questions were asked and responded to. It was moved and properly seconded that the treasurer’s report be accepted to record without any corrections.
Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator, reported that he had no update as there are no current projects underway as everything that needed to be done has been done.
Sylvia Williams, Block Captain Coordinator, provided an update on violation notices that have been served to homeowners. Sylvia Williams also clarified that the statement on the violation notice requesting the homeowner have the violation corrected within 72 hours is intended to get the homeowner moving to correct the violation. She acknowledged that some violations require a longer response time and that there is extension of time granted when homeowners express a need for additional time. Sylvia Williams noted that she encourages homeowners to call her and includes her contact information on the violation notice. Most homeowners call upon receiving the violation notice and conversation that generally start off from a defensive posture are able to be resolved in a conciliatory manner. Sylvia Williams reported that for homeowners who receive a violation notice and do not correct the violation or call her to indicate that they will not correct the violation, that information is passed on to Beverly Carter, vice president, who sends out a formal letter. If after the letter, the homeowner does not respond to correct the violation, the homeowner is referred to the HOA attorney. Sylvia Williams stated that overall, she has received positive responses and feels that the process is working well.
In response to the Block Captain report, concern was expressed by homeowner, (5401 Carriage Way) re: posting notices on mailboxes re: violations. The homeowner stated that it is against the law to post anything on a mailbox.
A Motion made by homeowner, (5401 Carriage Way) to discontinue the use of the yellow violation notices. The homeowner called for a note on the motion even though he was told that he did not have the authority to call for a vote as only the Board could call for a vote. After much discussion, Jan Parrish, president called for a vote on the motion to discontinue the use of the violation notices distributed by the block captains and coordinator. There were two (2) votes in favor and all other votes were not in favor. The motion failed.
Homeowner (5401 Carriage Way) suggested that Block Captain Coordinator just hit the highlights of neighborhood watch type info when presenting future reports.
Homeowner, George B. requested financial records of what funds are deposited and expended in the HOA bank account and how. He asked for records within three (3) days and Cookie Barber shared that is not sufficient time. In response, Cookie Barber shared that the Board provides homeowners monthly financial reports (Treasurer Report) of all deposits/expenditures and account balance. The monthly Treasurer’s report is accessible to all homeowners on the HOA website.
The same homeowner (George B.) indicated that he wanted the actual bank statements received by the Association Treasurer. Cookie Barber responded stating that all banking is conducted on-line, and no bank statements are received directly.
Cookie explained that the bank statements only show dates and amounts – no name of who the transaction was made to.
Pres. Jan Parrish stated that it is unclear as to what the homeowner is requesting that is not provided through the detailed monthly statement as a result, Pres. Jan Parrish asked that the homeowner put his request in writing with specifics.
Homeowner, (5401 Carriage Way) said he was written up for a rusty mailbox, but he drives by rusty pipes which is apparently not a concern to the Board. He also stated that a street sign that the Board paid to have installed was improperly installed and looked bad and that no action has been taken to correct this. Tyrone Leake acknowledged his awareness of the sign and agreed that it needed to be repaired.
Saturday- June 17th at 11 am at Meadowdale Library
The meeting was formally adjourned around 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly Carter, Vice President
Jan Parrish, President
MEETING DATE: April 13, 2023
TIME: 6:00pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, President; Cookie Barber, Treasurer; Beverly Carter, Vice President; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator; Block Captain Coordinator, Sylvia Williams
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary
OTHERS PRESENT: Quorum was met with the number of Homeowners in attendance.
Meeting was called to order by President Jan Parrish at 6:05pm
Cookie Barber, Treasurer read minutes from March meeting submitted by J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary. After reviewing, a motion was made by Jan Parrish to accept minutes with one amendment. “Change quite to quote under HOMEOWNERS COMMENTS/CONCERNS. Tyrone Leake seconded the motion, and motion carried.
March 11, 2023, General Membership Meeting Minutes were approved/accepted by quorum present.
No reports given.
*See President’s comments under “New Business.”
Treasurer, Cookie Barber presented Treasurer’s Report.
Jan Parrish moved to accept Treasurer’s Report with no amendments, Beverly seconded.
Tyrone Leake, asked the following questions:
- How does the first house look?
Overwhelming BETTER!
Mr. Edwards from the county said no more $6800.00 checks, next time he is in violation there will be jail time.
- How did the entrance look?
Overwhelmingly nice!
“You pay for what you get.” Searching for new contractors will be underway. Tyrone is very satisfied with who we have.
- Discussion was had about missing street signs and hanging signs. A call will be made to VDOT.
- Watch your speed coming down the main street, cops are still out. Cameras have been placed on black poles across from entrance to catch people speeding on Ironbridge. Be mindful of your driving.
None reported.
Jan Parrish, President shared the following:
- Truck to pick-up left-over yard sale items will be looked into by Janice Horton and Jan Parrish.
- HOA will be promoting yard sale. Homeowners may put balloons on street signs and mailboxes to show they are participating in the yard sale. Homeowners are responsible for taking down whatever they put up.
Jan Parrish, President shared the following:
- Discussed problems trying to get out of the front entrance. Reiterated again that the study by the county did not warrant a traffic light. Jan Parrish asked for a new study with Tony Payne. She wrote a letter to request it and he responded saying he will do the study. He said if we didn’t meet criteria there may be something else he can do. His address was given so that letters could be written to him by homeowners who wanted to personally reach out to him.
- It was suggested by a homeowner that we get a petition and have all the homeowners sign it. Several ways were discussed to get this done. Jan said she would check with the county to see if a petition would be effective.
- Ironstone Drive parking issues were discussed with Tony. He told Jan that was a VDOT issue. Maybe parking on one side of the street could be a solution. Jan is going to try and get him to come to a Saturday meeting.
- Jan Parrish requested any homeowners sending letters to provide HOA a copy of the letter.
- Power washing professionals’ information will be provided to homeowners. We have two; one is Vernon Pope, a homeowner. Both power washing businesses are on the website, and a flyer will be placed in the newspaper box under mailboxes.
Beverly Carter, Vice President shared the following:
Beverly presented a PowerPoint Presentation of the new Logo and Tag Line: CommUNITY Grows on Our Farm
Beverly presented Robert Bullock with an appreciation gift for his contact to get us a new logo and tag line for free.
- Everybody loved the HOA’s new Logo and Tag Line
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned
NEXT MEETING: May 11, 2023, at 6:00pm at Meadowdale Library.
Meeting Minutes taken by Sylvia Williams, Block Captain Coordinator for Secretary
Respectfully Submitted by
J’Ainel Hargrove, Meadowbrook Farm HOA Secretary
MEETING DATE: March 11, 2023
TIME: 11:00am
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, President; Cookie Barber, Treasurer; J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Beverly Carter, Vice President; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator. Block Captain Coordinator, Sylvia Williams
OTHERS PRESENT: Robert Bullock, Angela Bullock, Verna Rhoades, Samuel Rhoades, Deborah Bush, Vanessa Bush, Ruby Ervin, Patty Washington, Shana Watts-Jones, Michael Hill, Patricia Ledbetter, Sherry Talley-Scott, Linda Murphy, Patricia Parrish, Chris McNeil.
Quorum was met with the number of Homeowners in attendance.
Meeting was called to order by President Jan Parrish at 11:05am
J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary read Minutes from February 16, 2023, meeting. After reviewing, a motion was made by Mr. Hill and seconded by Ms. Parrish to accept meeting minutes as presented. February 16, 2023, General Membership Meeting Minutes were approved/accepted by quorum present.
Meadowbrook Farm HOA Meeting minutes will be posted on the HOA website.
No reports given.
*See President’s comments under “New Business.”
Treasurer, Cookie Barber reported error on Treasurer’s Report presented today reflecting February 1-February 28, 2023, Bank Statement. She noted dates under “Deposits/dues/discl. Pkts” was incorrect for 9 of the 10 dates. The report noted the month of January and not February. Cookie stated she would correct the “1” and change to “2” for the month of February 2023.
Cookie reported the Homeowner’s Association debit card was accidentally used by her on 2/24/2023 at Estes, and the amount debited from account was $36.00. The $36.00 was deposited back into the account on 2/27/2023 and is reflected under “Deposits/dues/discl. Pkts” on treasurer’s report.
End Bank Balance on 2/28/2023 was $68,465.25. Total deposits were $8,248.50. Total disbursements were $2,020.71. Outstanding checks amount $385.63. Ending Checkbook balance reported $74,693.04.
Cookie noted $74, 619.80 was stated/reported as Bank Balance as of 3/6/2023.
28 names have been sent to the attorney for unpaid Homeowner Association Dues. That is approximately $5600.00 in dues and late fees.
Jan Parrish moved to accept Treasurer’s Report with amendments noted by treasurer, a homeowner in attendance second.
Jan Parrish reported the following report for Tyrone Leake:
- Walls have been power washed and cleaned.
- Moving forward with constructing second wall at Windrush and flowers
J’Ainel Hargrove presented the following report from Sylvia Williams:
- Our first annual Block Captains meeting was a success. Corporal Eckrich, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for Chesterfield County Police Department was the guest speaker, who mainly answered questions from the floor.
- Sylvia spoke on the following:
- What Neighborhood Watch was and was not.
- The responsibility of Block Captains
- What suspicious activity to look for
- The 10 principals of crime prevention in our neighborhood.
- New Neighborhood Watch signs were presented to the new Block Captains.
- Sylvia gave out free Mission BBQ sandwich coupons to those that could answer questions about what was said during the meeting.
- Fun was had by all in attendance.
- So far there are three (3) people on the Social Committee. If you would like to be a part of the committee, give Sylvia a call.
- J’Ainel read the Calls for Service to Meadowbrook Farm February 2023 Report.
- Jan shared there were lengthy discussions around speeding in the neighborhood. Several people have been ticketed for speeding.
- Reminded homeowners at Wimbly/Barnwood/Ironstone there is a STOP sign and not a YIELD sign. Cookie advised it is not a “rolling stop” you must stop completely. Concerns noted at Ironhorse Road and Country Manor.
Jan Parrish, President shared the following:
- Spoke with attorney for initial guidance on amending Homeowner’s Association’s Bylaws.
- We are continuing to look for additional homeowners to volunteer and serve on the Bylaws Committee.
- Meadowbrook Farm HOA website has been updated and has current information. Homeowners were encouraged to visit the website. The website address was provided. It is also printed on correspondence sent from MBK Farm HOA.
- It was announced MBK Farm HOA 1st Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, May 20, 2023.
Jan Parrish, President shared the following:
- Duties of MBK HOA Board of Directors was attached the meeting agenda. She noted some updates were made after they met separately to review.
- Date for Spring Yard Sale scheduled for May 20th from 7:30am to 2:00pm. Rain date is scheduled for May 27, 2023, at same time.
- April meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2023 at 6pm-7:30pm at Meadowdale Library. May meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2023, 6pm-7:30pm at Meadowdale Library.
- Suggestion was made to contract with the person/company who cleaned walls.
- A suggestion made to form a social committee.
- Question -Who is the first house when you enter our subdivision? Are they a part of the association? Per Jan, county is aware. They are coming out to assess. The legal piece has already taken place to address the violations. There is a current court order addressing the homeowner.
- A Homeowner expressed concerns about not having a light. It was shared that VDOT has been made aware. The homeowner asked if the concern had been addressed to VDOT in writing?
- A Homeowner shared we have an election coming up and it was suggested to invite Board of Supervisor to our HOA Meetings. Per Jan, “I will reach out and invite Mr. Jim Holland to a meeting.”
- A Homeowner shared a “Traffic Study” had been completed approximately 10 years ago.
- A Homeowner inquired about whether or not Tyrone mentioned in the last meeting he would check to see if the company who washed the walls would be willing to provide a quote to power wash homes in our neighborhood.
- A Homeowner inquired in the Block Captain signs were new/different signs? J’Ainel responded the signs are the same as what the current Block Captains have.
- A homeowner shared concern about one house (1st right turn when you enter the neighborhood) there are 5 homes, it’s the second house on the right.
- A Homeowner asked about whether the new subdivision is connected to Jessup. It was shared the new subdivision goes all the way to Turner Road.
Everyone was thanked for their attendance and participation.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 12:15pm
NEXT MEETING: April 13, 2023, at 6:00pm at Meadowdale Library.
Respectfully Submitted,
J’Ainel Hargrove
Meadowbrook Farm HOA Secretary
MEETING DATE: February 16, 2023
TIME: 6:00pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, President; Beverly Carter, Vice President; Cookie Barber, Treasurer; J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator. Block Captain Coordinator, Sylvia Williams
HOMEOWNERS PRESENT: Quorum was met with the number of Homeowners in attendance.
Meeting was called to order by President Jan Parrish at 6:02pm
J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary read Minutes from January 11, 2023 meeting. After reviewed, one correction was suggested by Treasurer. Cookie stated she had spoken to the creator of the MBK Farm Facebook about other business, and not specifically about the Facebook Group/Page. The minutes with one correction were then accepted by quorum present.
Meadowbrook Farm HOA Meeting minutes will be posted on HOA website with suggested correction.
No reported given.
*See President’s comments under “New Business”
Treasurer, Cookie Barber reported MBK HOA Dues have been collected by 224 of 276 homeowners. 12 homeowners paid after 1/31/2023 and will owe a late fee.
Amount of $68,465.25 was stated; $11,200.00 was Homeowners Association Dues. $11,285.00 left.
Tyrone moved to accept Treasurer’s Report, a homeowner in attendance second.
Tyrone Leake shared the following:
- Tyrone spoke to someone about power washing fences and front walls and was quoted price of $600 for all three by Pro Suds Washing. Tyrone confirmed this provider.
- Riverside Brick front entrance- It was proposed to put brick on front entrance three (3) tiers high to wrap around the front walls, keep mulch running off.
- Flowers will be changed out in May, after more bushes.
- Having 2 trees taken down and replaced up front at Ironbridge Rd entrance, prior to heat (getting hot weather).
- Will resume grass cutting and fertilizing soon in all three entrances.
- Tyrone asked for suggestions from homeowners in attendance:
- One homeowner asked about attempting to get a neighborhood flag pole. Tyrone explained in order to fly an American flag, you must have a light on it. For some reason, the light we have up front won’t stay on. He also stated there was a neighborhood flag. Light bulbs have been changed.
- Tyrone encouraged everyone to leave lights on outside of your home.
- Tyrone stated police are in the neighborhood in unmarked cars. Several people have been stopped. Someone was caught someone going 62 mph.
Sylvia Williams shared the following:
- Block Captains have been secured for every block with the exception of Country Manor Circle and Country Manor Court. She has requested if anyone is interested or knows of someone who may be interested to reach out to her. Her contact information is on MBK Farm Website.
- A Block Captain’s meeting will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 12:00pm at Meadowdale Library.
- Sylvia shared police report of Calls for Service to Meadowbrook Farm over the last month.
Jan Parrish, President shared the following:
- Reminded attendees Meadowbrook Farm Homeowner’s Association Bylaws need to be updated, and we are looking for MBK Farm HOA Members to participate in that process and serve on that committee.
- Meadowbrook Farm HOA website has been updated and has current information. Homeowners were encouraged to visit the website. The website address was provided. It is also printed on correspondence sent from MBK Farm HOA.
- It was announced MBK Farm HOA 1st Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, May 20, 2023.
Beverly Carter, Vice President shared the following:
- Homeowner’s in attendance were informed an offer was extended to MBK Farm HOA by one our homeowners, Robert Bullock to have a tagline, logo, etc. created for our HOA by a friend at no cost to us.
- Beverly shared the process that was used to select a tagline during Board of Directors meeting.
- More info on the tagline to be shared once we meet with the gentleman (a former employee of the Martin Agency) who will be providing some graphic recommendations, colors, etc. to the Board very soon.
- Request for cookout or some sort of social event was made by a homeowner.
- A suggestion made to form a social committee
- Question -Are there any current violations? Per Jan, one homeowner has remained in violation and has been taken to court many times. It has been reported to the county. The county has enforced the homeowner to correct the violation (clean and/or remove disarray in yard and driveway or the county will do it and charge the homeowner. Jan shared MBK Farm HOA will continue to address the violations.
- A Homeowner reported on a person has had packages delivered to their home, and then they come on their front porch to get the packages. This has happened multiple times. Homeowner wanted to share this for the sake of awareness. They will be taking further steps to stop this practice i.e. reaching out to the police and whatever else is appropriate.
- A Homeowner mentioned his conversation with Tyrone re: drainage behind their house. Thinks it’s because of a structure their neighbor put up. Tyrone will ask the neighbor about it.
- Questions about possibly putting down lines to have residents exiting the front of the subdivision to stay to the right when in the median, thereby allowing others going east on Ironbridge to be able to see around the person in the median, in order to enter the subdivision.
- Be aware of citations forthcoming from the association regarding things that are in violation i.e. – mailboxes, power washing needed, window unit air conditioners, etc. All are encouraged to get things in order.
- Resident noted that people have garages full and they are not parking in their driveway but rather, parking on street. Suggested putting something in bylaws to require residents to park in garage or driveway.
- Reminder: all structural changes to property requires approval thru ACC Board Member.
Everyone was thanked for their attendance and participation.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm
NEXT MEETING: March 11, 2023 at 11:00am at Meadowdale Library.
Respectfully Submitted,
J’Ainel Hargrove
Meadowbrook Farm HOA Secretary
MEETING DATE: January 11, 2023
TIME: 6:30pm
LOCATION: Meadowdale Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Parrish, President; Cookie Barber, Treasurer;
J’Ainel Hargrove, Secretary; Tyrone Leake, Architecture Control Coordinator.
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Beverly Carter, Vice President
HOMEOWNERS PRESENT: Irving White, Robert and Angela Bullock, Christina and
Sean Sullivan, Lita and Jordan Coleman, Stephanie Wright, Clinton and Barbara
Minnick, Janice Horton, Katrina Kirby, Shana and Charles Jones, Britlan Barber
Meeting was called to order by President Jan Parrish at 6:33pm
Minutes from December 15, 2022, meeting reviewed and accepted by quorum
present. The December 15, 2022, meeting was a special meeting where the
Meadowbrook Farm HOA Election took place.
President Jan Parrish reported during the election meeting prior to voting the
nominees introduced themselves to the homeowners present. The election was
completed and there was one appointment, with one more appointment that will
be completed before the next general membership meeting.
President Parrish Introduced the 2023 Meadowbrook Farm HOA Board of Officers
President- Jan Parrish
Vice President- Beverly Carter (absence excused due to flight cancellations and
being stuck in FL)
Secretary- J’Ainel Hargrove
Treasurer- Cookie Barber
Architecture Control Coordinator- Tyrone Leake
President explained Secretary position was an appointment made by the board.
During the November meeting the nomination committee presented nominees for
positions of President, Vice President, and Secretary. At this time, there was only
one nominee for the position of secretary, J’Ainel Hargrove. President shared there
were two homeowners who expressed interest in the position; one rescinded their
nomination leaving one nominee (J’Ainel Hargrove). The board met and appointed
J’Ainel Hargrove as secretary. The Block Captain Coordinator will be appointed as
Jan Parrish is our Elected President vacating the Block Captain Coordinator position.
Contact Information for HOA Board Members was attached to the agenda and
provided to homeowners in attendance. The Secretary and Block Caption
Coordinator contact information will need to be added.
President shared the intent of the HOA Board to make sure we are aware of the
ideas of our homeowners and encourage active involvement and interaction from
the HOA Members.
Treasurer, Cookie Barber reported MBK HOA Dues have been collected by 139
homeowners totaling $27,800.00. There are 137 homeowners remaining to pay
dues estimated at $27,400.00.
Notice’s for HOA Dues payment will go out sometime in the beginning of February
prior to next general membership meeting for homeowners who have outstanding
Treasurer and Secretary will work together to get notices out in a timely manner.
Calls for Service to Meadowbrook Farm December 2022 report was reviewed. A
copy of the report was attached to meeting agenda for homeowners in attendance.
President announced homeowner Sylvia Williams is interested in the Block
Captain Coordinator position.
Block Captain Coordinator (BCC) position responsibilities/duties were briefly
explained to homeowners present. BCC supports the community; notifies board of
homeowner violations; coordinate and be present for activities; work with
neighborhood watch program; shares information with community; plans
“National Night Out” event with Block Captains.
President asked if anyone else was interested in becoming Block Captain
Coordinator. There were no responses.
Cookie Barber made a motion to appoint Sylvia Williams as MBK HOA Block Captain
Coordinator. J’Ainel Hargrove second the motion. No one opposed the motion,
and the motion carried to appoint Sylvia Williams to be Meadowbrook Farm HOA
Block Captain Coordinator.
Discussion of meeting schedule: President Parrish reported we will continue to hold
monthly HOA meetings. Previously meetings were held at the Fire station and we
loss that space. Meeting are being scheduled to take place at Meadowdale Library.
The February Meeting is scheduled for 2/16/2023 and the March meeting will be
held on a Saturday. The meeting times will be 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Tonight, the
room was not available until 6:30pm. It was announced there will be a Saturday
meeting scheduled every three months. The purpose is to try and hold meetings
on different days of the week to increase membership attendance and
Discussion and Adoption of Meeting Norms: President Parrish reviewed and had
discussion about the “Structure for Meeting” that was attached to the meeting
agenda for homeowners in attendance.
• There will be a two-minute time limit for comments. Secretary will keep
track of time.
• Recordings of meetings are not allowed without consent.
• Meeting norms were reviewed. Suggestions were asked from
homeowners. They were advised to get in contact with President Parrish if
they have any suggestions after the meeting.
Bylaws need to be updated/amended. A Bylaws Committee needs to be
established. Every homeowner received a copy of the Bylaws at their closing. A
homeowner asked if there was a hard deadline to revise the bylaws. Secretary
responded, “First we need to establish a Bylaws Committee, the proposed
changes/amendments are to be presented to the homeowners, then quorum has
to approve/accept the proposed changes/amendments.
Homeowners at the meeting were asked if they were interested in being apart of
the Bylaws Committee. Homeowner Lita Coleman expressed interest and her
contact information was collected by Secretary Hargrove.
Reactivation of website: Homeowner inquired about using the website is up, can
we think about holding some meetings virtually? This may help increase
engagement and participation of homeowners. There was some discussion and
this will need to be looked into further to determine logistically how virtual
meetings could take place along with continuing to hold meetings in person.
A homeowner asked if the Meadowbrook Farm Facebook Page was run/operated
by Meadowbrook Farm HOA. The answer was no. Meadowbrook Farm HOA does
not have an official Facebook Page. President has reached out to the homeowner
that created the page, and they have yet to receive a response from her. The
homeowner that created the page has been in contact with Treasurer, Cookie
Barber in reference to other business not related to the Facebook Page. MBK HOA
President will continue to try to connect with the homeowner before proposing
how MBK Farm HOA will move forward. No decision was determined during
tonight’s meeting.
President Parrish discussed plan activities the HOA typically sponsored: Two yard
sales a year (President reminded homeowners HOA covenant indicates
homeowner’s cannot have yard sales individually); National Night Out; and Annual
HOA Cookout that gives neighbors the opportunity to meet and fellowship.
Meadowbrook Farm Homeowner Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 34054
North Chesterfield, Virginia 23234
Sylvia Williams was appointed as Block Captain Coordinator.
Tyrone Leake shared the following:
• Fences need to be washed/cleaned at front and back entrances to our
• Tree in front is dead and needs to be removed and replaced. Insurance
paying to replace the tree. Will replace tree on opposite side to keep
uniformity (same size).
• Tyrone Leake asked homeowners present if they have or know who has a
small tan English bulldog. It has been seen roaming the neighborhood
which is a concern for the safety of homeowners.
Homeowner comments/concerns are noted from earlier in the meeting agenda.
There were no additional comments/concerns noted.
Homeowner Stephanie Wright expressed interest in volunteering to assist with
social media/website. Her contact information was collected by Secretary
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
NEXT MEETING: February 16, 2023, at 6:00pm at Meadowdale Library.
Respectfully Submitted,
J’Ainel Hargrove
Meadowbrook Farm HOA Secretary